Humans have been using cannabis for thousands of years. The prohibition against it is a tiny blip in our history. Yet the effects of prohibition have been enormous. Our goal at SouthBay Canna Clinic is to help people understand why cannabis is such an important plant and how it can help their lives. We offer products that can help you with pain relief, nausea, prescription medication side effects, and much more.
It’s been a hard fight to get this far. Before it was fully legal in California, our shop got shut down due to excessive regulation during the medical cannabis era. Thankfully, now that it’s been legal since 2016, we have taken up our mission again to get cannabis into the hands of people who need it most.
We specialize in helping new users of cannabis get their bearings. Let us show you how it can help you get relief you never knew was possible.
SouthBay Canna Clinic
Unlike alcohol, getting high on cannabis is quite safe. There have been no recorded deaths due to an overdose of THC, the main chemical in cannabis that gets you high. However, there are some things people have done under the influence of cannabis that are dangerous.
Before you get high, know that if you are caught driving while high you will be arrested for DUI. There is no current reliable test for THC limits, so officers will arrest you just on your behavior alone. That said, most people do not want to drive while high.
You also don’t want to take something too strong for your first time. Just like with alcohol, there’s a difference between being tipsy and being wasted. Edibles are a prime culprit for tricking new users into taking too much because it takes longer for them to affect you than smoking or vaping.
It’s not difficult to have a safe and relaxing cannabis experience if you know a few simple things beforehand. Our staff members will tell you everything you need to know before you use cannabis for the first time. Feel free to stop in and talk with them!
SouthBay Canna Clinic is proud to help local communities gain access to quality cannabis and spearhead efforts in cannabis education. Help us join the fight by visiting any of our dispensaries to get the facts about safe cannabis use.
1719 Pacific Coast Hwy
Lomita, CА 90717
Open 7 days a week
8am to 10pm